Easiest Way to Make Tasty Dark chocolate and banana chip granola crumble

Dark chocolate and banana chip granola crumble.

Dark chocolate and banana chip granola crumble You can have Dark chocolate and banana chip granola crumble using 6 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Dark chocolate and banana chip granola crumble

  1. It's 2 cup of Muesli.
  2. You need 1 cup of Banana chips.
  3. Prepare 1/4 cup of Chopped dark choclate drops.
  4. You need 50 grams of Honey.
  5. It's 50 grams of Real butter unsalted.
  6. It's 1/4 cup of Fresh ground peanut butter.

Dark chocolate and banana chip granola crumble instructions

  1. Preheat oven to 160c degrees.
  2. Mix all ingredients well until sticky wet appearance, spread on cookie sheet and bake for 20 minutes.

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